• 2 Bedroom cottage
  • Living room with wood burner
  • Kitchen
  • Sun room
  • 1 double room, 1 small single
  • Bathroom with shower over the bath
  • Pets considered
  • Small garden
  • Close to town centre

Full Description

A beautifully presented 2 bedroom cottage with lots of charm. Located close to the centre of town. Pets considered.

A beautifully presented 2 bedroom cottage with lots of charm. Located close to the centre of town. Pets considered.

Living room with wood burner, kitchen, sun room, 1 double bedroom, 1 single bedroom, bathroom with shower over the bath, enclosed garden.

Council tax band - A

Please contact us on 01728 833007 if you wish to arrange a viewing appointment for this property, or require further information.

Energy Performance Certificate
Click here to view the Energy Efficiency Rating and Environmental Impact Rating for this property.

Hamilton Smith - IP16 endeavour to maintain accurate depictions of properties in Virtual Tours, Floor Plans and descriptions, however, these are intended only as a guide and purchasers must satisfy themselves by personal inspection.

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at Content.RazorEngine37.RazorEngineTemplatingService.Parse(String Markup, Object Model, String UniqueKey)

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